Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

700 Words2 Pages

The main character’s name is Artemis Fowl. He has dark hair and pale skin. He is twelve years old. His family is very rich and live in a large house, and Artemis lives with his mom, (who has been acting very strange since Artemis’ dad died.) and his two servants, Butler and Juliet. At the beginning of the book, Artemis is mainly focused on getting even richer than he already was. After he kidnapped a fairy though, he realized that he had something he wanted more than riches. He wanted his mom to go back to her normal self, not grieving over the loss of her husband. Artemis Fowl was very cruel in the book, wanted nothing other than fame and money, and he would do anything to get those. He bribed people to give him information by giving them money. It says, “His plans would have to be much more devious than usual if the were to escape his mother’s attention. But it would be worth it.” This is saying that Artemis would still do bad things, but he was very glad that his mom was back to her old self.

When Artemis Fowl finds out that fairies are actually real, he decides to try to catch one. He is very cruel to the fairy that he catches, whose name is Holly. Over time though, he begins to realize that he has been cruel and lets her go back to her own people, at a price. (of course) Holly grants him a wish, which he pays for in gold. He could have decided to get more gold, but instead he uses it to make his mother get better. He did change, in a good way throughout the book.

“Weak sprite” (p 8) denotative- frail fairy, pixie connotative- Someone who used to be able to grant wishes, but is now too weak.

This word is important because in the beginning of the book, Artemis needs to find a sprite to get information.

“Confidence is ...

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... you. This makes it third person. The book says, “Artemis tapped the table for attention.” and also “Something whizzed over Holly’s head, something that glinted in the starlight.”

The whole book is in third person, because the story is not from the characters perspective. The book always says, he, she, they, and other words like that. It does not say I, or you. This makes it third person. The book says, “Artemis tapped the table for attention.” and also “Something whizzed over Holly’s head, something that glinted in the starlight.”

The whole book is in chronological order, which means that after the very first event, all of the other events will continue in order. There were a few flashbacks in it. They were all very short though, and were probably just put in to help you understand someone’s past or something like that so you were not confused about something.

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