Art Therapy Informative Essay

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The human mind is a beautiful thing. Full of thoughts, memories, and pictures. It is what makes you, you. The exploration of the brain is even more intriguing. Nothing is more complex and scientists and psychologists are always looking for more information in this field. Art is the self-expression and the application of human creative skill and imagination. It is the bridge between mind and matter. If you can think it, you can create it, because when it comes to art the possibilities are endless. You can express your thoughts and emotions through making art that you could not through words alone. That is why art therapy is an effective form of helping patience of all kinds. Art therapy can help just about anyone with a mental or emotional illness if they are willing to cooperate. People say that a picture is worth a thousand words and when it comes to art therapy, they really mean it. Art therapists use color, patterns, and shapes fabricated by the patient to determine their thoughts and feeling. Because color is a big part of representing how we feel we can use the drawings, paintings, or other forms of art to help us further understand someone. Art therapy is especially helpful when the patient cannot speak or properly communicate with others. That is because art is like talking …show more content…

“Art therapists have to be trained in the field of art as well as psychology. Being able to understand the type of media that you are using is very important. They are knowledgeable about human development, psychological theories, clinical practice, spiritual, multicultural, and artistic traditions, and the healing power of art” (What is art therapy?). As an art therapist you have to see many different types of patients. You could see everyone from people with Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to people with some kind of trauma so you have to be sensitive to each person’s

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