Army Problem Solving Process

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What we will be examining is the problem of a college kid and money but how to fix those issues with the Army problem solving Process. It is hard but not impossible to use and apply all the army solving process to college life, it is actually very helpful because it helps maintain order and help you solve your problems. In college kids complain that they are to busy and don’t have any money to go out or to be able to do anything with their friends. I will go through the whole process of what to do to manage and help solve the issues of most college kids. The way I would go about doing this is to set up a plan and to execute it. I would assess my problems and continue from there. Then you set up a game plan and gather all your information needed. …show more content…

The first step would be to gather information and develop a step by step solution. If you want a job but have extra curriculars and ROTC, then you could look for an on-campus job with flexible hours through the school. So, when you identify the problem, which the problem is that you want a job and to earn money, but you are so busy. What you need to do is access your situation and if you can take some unimportant things out or if you can make more time, or lastly find a job that allows you to be in school and works you only when you are free and don’t have class. One amazing place to look is the school because they have federal work study jobs that will work around your schedule and it’s on campus so its convenient. When that happens, you should Develop a criterion, something like a game plan that will help you go day by day and what you need to do, when you have free time, and finally so you can do everything and don’t explode of stress. Then when you have done all that generate your solutions and come up with what you can do and your options and then analyze the solutions of what you are going to do and willing to do, then compare them to what others have said or councilors have said and then execute the situation. When all is said and done stick to your plan, don’t be afraid and just execute the plan you came up

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