Aristotle Justice In Antigone

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Aristotle’s analysis of justice in the Nicomachean Ethics is viewed in the account of the illustration of geometric proportions and economic transactions. Though one might get the impression from this formulaic quality of justice that is neat, a matter of simple adjustment. Compared to the “neat” illustration of justice from Aristotle, justice in Antigone can be seen as “messiness.” Sophocles’ Antigone is a tragedy that is an augmentation of Aristotle’s conception of justice in the Ethics. Not only does Antigone problematize the relationship between justice and law, however in many ways the play represents what is at stake in justice. From this essay, I will assess both Aristotle’s and Antigone’s view on justice and argue which one enjoys more …show more content…

Like the other virtues, justice is a mean between two extremes. It requires both to know one’s limits and be able to recognize the mean of what is just, which is a measuring, prudence, or the practical wisdom to carry out the action. On the other hand, the excess, which is receiving more than one’s share, and deficiency, which is receiving less than ones’ share, both can be named as injustice. Also, in the virtue of justice, it does not end at the limits of oneself. But it goes beyond to negotiate how an individual stands in relation to the space of the whole. Similarly, the measuring requires an adjustment of a particular justice or injustice, with reference to a vision of the whole of justice. Justice is, then, that puts one outside of oneself with a view to one’s belonging in a community with other people. This does not mean that the significance of the individual is diminished in justice; rather, these are the paths of justice that strengthen the significance that the individual cultivates. Also these paths of justice empower the excellence of virtues in oneself to make the community of which one is part a site of flourishing for oneself and others. However, beyond the general meaning of justice, there are two different kinds of

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