Aristotle Concept Of Justice

594 Words2 Pages

Brent Anderson
Dr. Steven Maloney
Intro to Political Philosophy
March 30, 2014
Justice has always been a very interesting topic to philosophers and for many ordinary people also. Justice is defined as the concern for peace and genuine respect for others or simply put: the fairness in which people are treated. Aristotle and Plato, two well-known individuals of ancient Athens, were the earliest philosophers who thought about justice and developed their own ideas about the aspects of being just. In this paper I will attempt to prove that instead of pursuing a life of injustice that a life of justice would make life more meaningful. In order to reach my conclusion, I am going to explain the concept of justice and its aspects from the perspective of both Plato and Aristotle by incorporating their more famous works “The Republic” and “The Nicomachean Ethics.” I will also, at the end of this paper, side with either Plato or Aristotle depending on which one of them I believe to be more just in my own opinion.
To begin, Aristotle, who was the famous student of Plato, later became known for b...

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