Arguments In Favor Of Sweatshops In The Workplace

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The perspective of the source is strongly in favor of sweatshops because it allows for both workers and consumers to benefit from economic globalization based on open markets which include sweatshops. You can distinguish this through the language and structure of the source. You can see that the source is in favor of sweatshops through the line “The discussion around sweatshops is overwhelmingly negative”. As it recognizes that most of the comments about sweatshops are negative because the jobs that they have to do are much more grueling than the more westernized jobs, and that the workers are being exploited and underpaid, but to the workers that is the price to strengthen and grow the economy. The author of this source is supporting a capitalist system of free …show more content…

Private businesses using sweatshops to produce their products is just one of the ways that businesses compete. Sweatshop workers work hard in sweatshops. Because they know that it is the only way that they will be able to overcome and fight poverty. The line “Those who work hard benefit from their hard work” show that if the people working in sweatshops work hard they will be benefitted and rewarded. That may mean that they will be able to get out of poverty and support their families. Sweatshops being positive can be inferred by the line “Workers and consumers around the world benefit”. It is positive because more than one group benefits from it. Workers in sweatshops benefit because they are able to obtain job opportunities that keep them off the street where they would have to do much more dangerous and unhealthy jobs. They are also able to maintain a livable quality of life. Consumers benefit because they are getting products for a cheaper price than if they weren’t produced in sweatshops which would raise the price drastically. As well the profits from the price of the product adds to the

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