Arguments Against Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician assisted suicide or assisted death is when a terminally ill or disabled adult makes the free will choice of taking prescribed medication , after meeting certain legal requirements, that will end their life. The procedure is used in order to ease suffering when nothing else will and so it is considered a last resort means. The procedure although a last resort is very controversial and has sparked interest because of its appeal to support individual choice while at the same time detters compassion for others. Many people argue that while Assisted Suicide helps relieve the patients suffering human life is invaluable and because of that it should remain illegal, on the other side people argue that it is a matter of free choice and should be the patient's decision and not the government's. With this in mind those opposing assisted suicide bring up the idea that although somebody might be suffering it does not give the right to someone else to end that person's life. In other words a physician does not have the right to prescribe the medication needed to end a person's life and doing so should be considered murder. They agree with the statement that we should protect life not take it away. Another argument made is that approving assisted suicide is implying that society approves of suicide in …show more content…

This option would also reduce the financial burden the patient potentially places on the family. In some U.S states assisted suicide has become legal and is referred to as “death with dignity” laws. In these states the people have voted that it is the patient's choice to voluntarily euthanasia and so they have the “right to die” meaning that each individual is entitled to end their own life. This “Right to Die” concept is the main factor in support of “death with dignity”

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