Argumentative Essay: Should We Legalize North Korea?

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North Korea has been a thorn in our side long enough. Kim Jong-un is the current leader of North Korea. “North Korea launched the nation's first intercontinental ballistic missile” (issitt). The United States is in a corner there is not much we can do.
We need to address what North Korea is really doing. “Nuclear Weapons, explosive devices, designed to release nuclear energy on a large scale, used primarily in military applications” (Nuclear). “The damage this can devise whole countries with one missile. North Korea has successfully completed a ICBMs” (Bachelor). The united states needs to be worrying about. If this hit the United States the fallout from this can and will be horrendous. This can be equivalent to the cold war and everyone needs …show more content…

“China is among the countries that have promised to comply banning imports of North Korean” (Mendoza). So this is a step in the right direction to stop North Korea. Without the money to trade they will not have money to support there rocket research. The other side has different ideas.“The United States is by far the world's most formidable military power, but some defense experts say the country needs more troops, planes and ships to confront the growing array of challenges posed by China, Russia, North Korea and iran” (Lyons). This is not the right approach because they will do the same thing. As our army is built higher so will there army be as well.
Now what the United States should do is play everything safe.”Some senior U.S. officials are threatening to severely penalize any Chinese banks doing business with North Korea”(Kurt). Punishing other countries for doing business with North Korea is the right step because china is North Korea's biggest trade partner. We are back into wall as sanctions have not worked on North Korea. The track we are taking is the only way to go and we don't have much of a option. If the United States can get China on our side we will be in a good

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