Argumentative Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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The United States of America is rightfully deemed the ‘Melting Pot of the world’, with approximately 43.3 million immigrants living in America. This sums up to about 13.5% of the total population of the total US population. The influx of immigrants certainly benefits the US, however over 50% of these immigrants are not citizens and about 25% of this total population are undocumented migrants (The Facts on Immigration Today: 2017 Edition). These illegal immigrants are defined as migrants that have entered the U.S without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or business person. This is clearly a problem if about 33.7 million people that are living in America are yet to be given the title as a citizen. Some people believe that accepting these illegal immigrants into citizenship will solve the issue; others think the opposite and want to push them out. Both options are plausible however we …show more content…

In the Huffington Post’s mock argument, Roque Planas and Elise Foley writes, “Undocumented immigrants often do pay taxes, though that’s not always enough to balance out how much they cost state governments.” This proves that yes, some undocumented immigrants are paying tax money to the government but even if they do, the money they’re paying back isn’t sufficient to balance the amount of money they use. Some statistics FAIR (The Federation for American Immigration Reform) presented is, “Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level…”. With the amount of debt America is in right now, this adds even more troubles into our already building economic crisis. This adamantly shows that illegal immigrants are just adding to conflicts we are trying to deal

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