Argumentative Essay On Trophys

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Quite possibly the main reason most children nowadays play in a recreational sport is just to receive their participation trophy at the end of the season. Now when you think about it what is the main purpose of the trophy itself? Realistically it’s nothing more than a thumbs up for playing. Plus when you add up all the people that receive this “award” it becomes an extremely crazy price tag number. Adults everywhere wonder why it is there are so many spoiled children today as well. It’s partly due to these trophies that you just show up and receive. The purpose of the trophy in itself is nothing more than a congratulations for showing up to a place 2-3 times a week and just being there. You don’t have to really earn the piece of plastic, but rather you are promised it when you pay the 30 dollar fee and sign the consent waiver. Parents understand that slowly but surely the reason they played recreation sports when they were younger is being replaced by this plastic man/woman with a little name plate on it. If you really wanted to give children something that was easily cheaper and said the same thing if not more, you could just print a certificate out with whatever you want on it. You could even …show more content…

It’s just how it goes as time moves and will only get bigger. Annually 3 billion dollars are spent on tiny plastic men and women with little baseball and softball bats. When put into perspective does that really seem like the absolute best use of that much money? There was a study conducted that said you could purchase 122 chromebooks for every school in the nation with that much money. This would help lower schools without the greatest budget to be able to better their scores on tests and even the children themselves going forward in life. Instead, parents these days would rather hand their kids something insignificant than better the school system they go

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