Argumentative Essay On The Sole Survivor Versus TV Show

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The Sole Survivor Just admit it, we have all wanted to be on a reality show one time or another, standing on a 6 inch post with Jeff Probst counting down time, making duck calls at Duck Commander, or getting drunk, laid, and high in New Jersey. We, in our own guilty pleasures, have fantasized about appearing on a TV show such as Survivor, Duck Dynasty, or Jersey Shore. What most people don’t realize is we are living in the only true, honest, unscripted reality show; the real world. Both being categorized as reality, we assume that similarities between life and the CBS show Survivor should be plentiful, and they are, but differences can be found in the living situations, the way we deal with challenges, how we deal with different types of personalities, and the way we live in exile. Despite these the similarities the differences would prevent me from ever giving up my day to day life to live as a castaway on survivor. …show more content…

We all have a separate sleeping spot, live under a metaphorical/physical roof, and eat meals together, however, those similarities quickly run out, and all that are left are the differences. Some differences seen are, inside plumbing, temperature control, and sufficient living quarters. The survivor lifestyle is lacking in all of the stated differences, which would lead to an uncomfortable, irritating, day by day life held together by the drive of one hundred thousand dollars. The Robinson household is filled with indoor plumbing, thermostats, and plenty of room which allows for comfortable, and tolerable day to day life held together by the bond of family. Endeavors of survivor go past the physical and mental challenges proposed in immunity competitions. The social aspect also causes many discomforts such as putting up with other type-A personalities, plotting with enemies, and arguing for your life on the

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