Argumentative Essay On The Prince

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“The Prince” is a novel written by Niccolò Machiavelli that depicts a plan on how to obtain and retain political power. Previous to the novel, Machiavelli had been fired from his job as a Florentine diplomat. As a result of being fired, Machiavelli composed “The Prince” to hopefully help him get his job back. Unfortunately, this plan did not work out. Although the novel was written in 1513, it was not published until 1533, six years after Machiavelli's death. When the novel was published, it was immediately blacklisted by Pope Clement VII (Shmoop). Niccolò Machiavelli was born in Florence Italy in 1496. During the Medici family’s exile, Machiavelli was a diplomat in Italy’s Florentine Republic. When the Medici family returned to power in

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