Argumentative Essay On The Healthcare Cost

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Would you believe me if I told you that many veterans don’t have healthcare or cannot afford it? What? Crazy right? Veterans give their life for our country yet we cannot give them simple healthcare. Many are plagued with mental illnesses and disorders. Most receive compensation, but how long would that money last if they had to pay bills on top of medical bills. Some have children they have to look after. Who’s paying all of this? Why is our economy like this? Here’s why. One of the struggles for veterans is how much the healthcare costs. For a patient with PTSD the cost averaged $8,300. For PTSD-specific therapy the cost is $4,100. A patient with T.B.I., or traumatic brain injury, the initial cost is $11,700. If they had both PTSD and TBI then the cost is $13,800. The average cost of the first year’s treatment for a patient with neither diagnosis was $2,400. (Cushman Jr.)
As well as the initial cost of health care, many cannot live off of disability with children and spouses and pay everyday fees. For a veteran with PTSD and 50% service connected disability with a spouse and a child receive $978.64 a month. This is about $11,745 a year. (VA Benefits) Lower class income is from $0 - $35,000. Unless the …show more content…

In order to qualify for health services with VA benefits they have to have an honorable or general discharge. If they are discharged with bad conduct or a dishonorable discharge then they will not be eligible for health care. You also must have served for 24 continuous months in active military, naval, or air service. They could also have served as a National Guard member or reservist called to active duty and completed their full call up period. Their discharge status’ are the main key to getting disability benefits and health care through veterans affairs. The minimal requirements might not apply to veterans that were discharged for hardship, disability during line of duty or early discharge.

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