Argumentative Essay On The Arts And Performing Arts

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“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” said by the infamous Pablo Picasso. This quote is relevant in many school corporations. Throughout the country’s educational budget cuts, the arts have been the first to be eliminated. The arts improve graduation rates, and enhance overall intelligence. Few argue that the money is being wasted on the arts and required academics are more essential. Required classes are needed to advance in higher education. The arts may not be academically required at this time;however, they should be because they enhance a well-rounded individual. The arts have shown to improve multiple categories of a student’s life. All in fact are positive. One topic is the rise of high school graduation rates being related to students having an increase in creative classes. In 2010 the Missouri Art Council (MAC) there …show more content…

When there is an increase of participation in the arts it enhances creative thinking and helps the student perform better in other classes. When a student is more involved in the arts it can help them tremendously in other areas that are academically required. A study that was done over the course of 12 years with 12,000 demonstrates that participation in the arts—both Visual Art and Performing Art— help improve grades in different classes in high school. In this article it states that the arts are ,“ associated with higher levels of attainment”, in high school. This evidence shows that the arts can help make a well rounded individual, because with the arts it can boost their intelligence in other classes as well. With the help of art classes, they are able to evoke creative thoughts that are sometimes needed in the language arts, the maths, and the sciences. In conclusion, the arts should be academically required because it is able to help the student increase the student's knowledge in all areas of

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