Argumentative Essay On Sibling Abuse

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Every home has sibling rivalry between the children throughout the years of them growing up. It is perfectly normal and the majority of the time a harmless factor. Children have balanced and fair competition that teaches them how to share and to help them understand it doesn’t hurt to lose. Siblings often fight and argue on the daily without anyone getting hurt, but parents should be able to identify between healthy sibling conflict and hurtful abuse. Sibling abuse is the most common form of family violence and many acts of sibling abuse occur when the older or more powerful sibling has control over the victim. Many times this happens behind closed doors when the parents aren’t around. Sibling abuse can be divided into three different forms of abuse known as physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. They are the same forms that are similar to family violence, but are different because the perpetrator is a sibling. Sibling abuse can happen between step-children, foster children, birth children or adopted children. Sibling violence or abuse can be a repeated pattern of physical aggression with attempt to cause harm on purpose to the younger sibling. Physical sibling abuse is the abuse that is rarely reported. It can start with striking, kicking, pushing, and punching, but can escalate to …show more content…

It starts with minor name calling and teasing, but leads to the child being scared of the perpetrator. The perpetrator wants the victim to believe they are nothing and not loved. (Rosie.2013) It causes the children to have low self-esteem and they start to think less of themselves. It becomes hard to teach, speak and the victim always has emotional outburst. (Rosie. 2013) Many of the victims will try and cover up serious abuse out of fear or love for their sibling. They hide all possible signs of abuse because they don’t want their sibling to get into trouble and they feel ashamed of how they are being

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