Argumentative Essay On Refugees Act

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The Refugee Act was created in 1975. This was a policy that was implemented over time to assist and aide individuals in crisis within their own country. Some of the reasons the people left these countries were due to asylum, to escape the sex slavery, also people of domestic violence. There is a process that these individuals have to go through in order to be placed in a third country. These refugees have some form of security clearance due to the nature of their situation. Some, eventually get their families united with them after a period of time. During different administrations, Presidents would add to the act so that more individuals would qualify for the program. Recently the Obama administration added that members of the LGBT community would be able to enter into the resettlement act. Middle eastern countries are an example, due to their religious beliefs their people are not allowed to practice a lifestyle of being gay. If they are sought out they …show more content…

If a person has live (active) TB, a mental retardation, or Hansen’s disease they can be disqualified. They are not being screened for other health concerns during this process. “Refugees are increasingly migrating to urban areas, but little research has been conducted to compare health and wellbeing outcomes of urban refugees with those based in camps. (Journal of Refugee Studies, 2015) This resettlement act has its pros and cons just like any other program. It is up to the Federal government to have a plan of execution to make it the best. It needs to come up with a better solution on how to keep all states that receive majority of these refugees on board. No one can ever be a complete one hundred percent. A more extensive background and history check could eliminate the concerns of security for natives. The program was created to help those in need and assist with a new beginning at life outside the

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