Argumentative Essay On Red Cross

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Every day around the world there are natural disasters which cause several damages to homes, families, and people who are in need of help. Red Cross is a worldwide organization founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland, which has around 17 million volunteer workers that help people who are suffering from natural situations. As I go on social media I’ve noticed that there are many recommendations to help save lives from celebrities which gives a high proportion of donations from people around the world given to Red Cross. With the high amount of donations given to Red Cross yearly, the money seems to be not a big of a help that made any successful changes. Recently, on October 2017 there were wildfires coming from Northern California and more than 245,000 acres of land, burned over by fires which lead people to evacuate from their homes. On that date, I went on my phone to go on twitter and while I was on my phone on twitter as I scroll down tweets, I’ve noticed Red Cross has been promoted rapidly by celebrities asking people like me around the world to help to donate. Not only the fact how celebrities were promoting Red Cross, it’s sad to see as I scroll down that pictures of victims and fires were being used to …show more content…

On 31 August 2017, the ARC completely explained how they were going to treat the incident Hurricane Harvey according to Red Cross. For example, with the help of the ARC organization, they were able to help more than 33,800 people to put them in shelters, hand them supplies, and food. This indicates that Red Cross response on how they helped those in need in various ways by the donations. Overall, on the page, the title says, “How The Red Cross is Spending Your Donations” and yet again they put pictures of victims getting helped to get more donations but explains what they use the donations for. Furthermore, this proves why people should donate to Red

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