Argumentative Essay On Of Mice And Men

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In the early 1900’s in mental institution they would tie down patient for years to months worths of time.
In the book Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Two friend put together by Lennie's aunt dying and George being a family friend look for work and find a Job on a farm.
But the problem about getting a job is that Lennie is literally retarded and he keep getting in trouble and making them have to leave or be fired. George did do the right thing killing Lennie since he would have been in pain and killed if found by curly. If george turns Lennie in they would just tie him up and well treat him like a animal. Some may say that it would have been better to let Lennie run and get away or turn him in. Here’s my reason for why that would be a bad idea If Lennie got away he wouldn’t be able to take care of himself and if George came it would suck to be …show more content…

After Lenni runs away after doing “ a bad thing” when the find out about Lennie accidentally kills Curly's wife Curly says “ I'm gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself…” This shows that they would have killed him anyway but they would’ve had him bleed out while in extreme pain.

Lastly, Even turned in Lennie would still suffer or die
Slim say in the book “An s’pose they lock him up an’ strap him down and put him in a cage. That ain’t no good, George.” which shows he would just be tied down and sitting there maybe forever in a mental asylum. It is also mentioned by Candy that if he is brought to the police Curly would want Lennie killed “Curly gon’ta want get ‘im lynched” These show that even if he would turn in it was better just for George to kill Lennie himself

To conclude I believe that it was the right thing to end Lennie's life
After all George did the best option to kill Lennie since turning him in would be torture or death; Letting the group find him would be torture and death, and Letting Lennie run free would just be

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