Argumentative Essay On Net Neutrality

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Lately you may have heard about the topic of “Net Neutrality” in the news. You may be wondering what Net Neutrality is and why it is such an important issue regarding the internet. Net Neutrality, the idea that all data must be treated equally, is one of the ideas that make the internet what it is today, ; a place where ideas and services can be shared freely without being discriminated against. Unfortunately, the Net Neutrality rules have been repealed by the FCC and drastic changes could happen to the internet. Since Net Neutrality is so important for the internet we all know and use, it has to be reinstated.

Net Neutrality is the idea that internet service providers, or ISPs, should treat all internet data equally. This means your ISP is not allowed to block or slow down access to certain sites and services, and is not allowed to create different lanes with different speeds. (Vox, )The FCC approved new, stronger rules for Net Neutrality in 2015. The new rules regulate the internet as a public utility. Net Neutrality supporters praised it but many …show more content…

Creating “fast lanes” will hurt and shut down newer companies and startups, and take away any chance they have of rising, as they cannot pay the higher prices. (Business Insider) New businesses contribute a lot to progress as they bring in new ideas and services. Many services we use today, such as Youtube and Facebook originally started as small businesses, and telecom firms being required to treat their data the same as that of larger companies like Google allowed them to become the large sites we know today. (Vox) Without NN, more new ideas and sites will not rise, and the internet will develop slower, resulting in fewer and lower quality While NN opponents may claim that the regulations give cable and phone companies little incentive to invest in innovation, they have already invested billions in innovation under the former

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