Argumentative Essay On Japanese Internment

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In 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by the japanese. This occurred during World War II. After this incident all japanese-americans living on the west coast were sent to internment camps. These camps were unnecessary and racist. They were made because the americans thought that japanese people were a threat to other citizens. They thought that the japanese people were going to go against and they were going to give out information. This is absurd because even if that was true, why would the japanese soldiers be so decorated in the army. In this essay I will go more in depth of why the japanese internment camps were such bad idea. The first reason why the internment camps were a bad idea is because they were simply an act of racism. In the short …show more content…

army. In the short passage “Japanese-American Internment was an Unnecessary and a Racist Act.” it says, “In fact, more than 25,000 japanese-americans served in the armed forces during world war II”. If the japanese really wanted to sell out the united states and give out their information, then why did so many people sacrifice their lives for this country? This is proof of the loyalty japanese americans had for the united states. Finally, in the short passage “Japanese-American Internment Was an Unnecessary and a Racist Act.” it says, “Japanese-American 442nd combat team inflicted more casualties and received more decoration than any other comparable army unit.” This proves that the japanese american soldiers were obviously doing something right, in order to receive those decorations. Yet again another reason why the japanese americans should have not been considered a threat. In conclusion, japanese-americans shouldn't have been considered a threat to other citizens. Their services in the american army were proof of their loyalty. The internment camps were a bad idea. They were an act of pure racism and it should not be repeated

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