Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence

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The publicized massacres at Columbine, Newtown, and Las Vegas have made Americans forcefully aware of the need for safer gun laws or at least the debate among gun owners and non-gun owners as relating to firearm policy. Moreover, the day-to-day fatal shootings in Chicago brings the issue of gun violence into the backyards of people living in the suburbs of this community. The Constitution protects the right to bear arms, which is where the argument starts. However, common sense dictates that a governmental intervention can reduce the death toll. Specifically, the increase in gun violence will be decreased by tightening legislation on gun distribution, by federal funding for research on gun violence, and by using police surveillance in areas that are crime-ridden, thereby derailing the gun-violence problem. …show more content…

Barry (2018) and researchers recently conducted a national study that compared the support for 24 different firearm policies between gun owners and non-gun owners. The results indicate that both gun owners and non-gun owners are in favor of restricting gun ownership for 23 of the 24 policies examined. Regardless of gun ownership status, both parties agreed that “universal background checks, greater accountability for licensed gun dealers unable to account for their inventory, higher safety training standards for concealed carry permit holders, improved reporting of records related to mental illness for background checks, gun prohibitions for persons subject to temporary domestic violence restraining orders” are all ways to reduce gun violence in society (Barry et al., 2018, p. 878). Interestingly, gun and non-gun owners are not on a partisan divide as the media portrays. On the contrary, both sides agree that tightening gun laws at the state level is a necessary step in gun ownership for the sake of public

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