Argumentative Essay On Gay Adoption

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When it comes to adoption, gay and lesbian couples should be prevented from the right to raise a child. In the words of Rogers, "For a child to develop to emotional and psychological maturity, it is preferable that both mother and father be present" (Rogers, 2013). This is drawing attention to the fact that a child needs both a mother and a father in order to function properly. Given that males and females have different roles, a child needs to receive those variations to grow and develop. In summary, two mothers or two fathers in a household can be unhealthy because a child needs the characteristics of both. In addition, gay adoption must be banned "because it contributes to a deformation of the family, or it presumes an equivalence in the character of heterosexual versus homosexual relationships" (Haines, 2013). If gay adoption is allowed, it was would appear that the homosexual lifestyle is okay and just as acceptable as the heterosexual way of life. Therefore, …show more content…

It has been proven that "children raised by homosexuals are more likely to become homosexuals when compared to children raised by heterosexuals" ("Preface to Should," 2013). As can be seen, it is egregious that innocent children should be placed in a homosexual home only to grow up in that environment and fall into homosexuality themselves. Actually, it seems obvious that kids should only be allowed to be adopted by heterosexual couples. The amount of future homosexuals could be greatly reduced if gay and lesbian couples were banned from adopting. This is such a serious matter because the welfare of children is at stake (Rogers, 2013). Furthermore, it cannot be acceptable to put a child in this situation considering they are being forced into a lifestyle they did not choose, and one that will only be harmful to them. All in all, gay adoption should not be legal because it is detrimental to a child's

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