Argumentative Essay On Factory Fire

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The emotions and reactions surrounding the crowded women continued as the flames corrupted into the compacted room. The females run toward the doors and elevator, and then become stuck. The benevolent man on the elevator saved countless lives. As the factory ignites, the workers become truly hopeless. Despite knowing if they are going to burn alive, some women turn to the window. As they were about to leap off the building, crowds of people were chanting not to. When they jumped, they fell to the concrete. None of the women survived. Overall, the total number of casualties were 146. What could have been done to fixed this, and who is to blame? During this time of the decade, women were overworked. The week of the fire, they have already worked 60 hours. At the factory, the women had no fire drills. This is an immense problem in the world today. It is a requirement to have procedures at a workplace for safety. If the factory had perhaps had planned one, it could have saved numerous lives. At the factory, there are 300 machines on a floor, with no elbow room. This was a terror waiting to occur. The firefighters did not have ladders that could reach the ninth floor. The department also failed to reach the workers on the ninth floor about the fire. …show more content…

The owners were taken to court for manslaughter but were not found guilty. I believe they are guilty of overworking their employees, not having safety procedures, and had poor working conditions. After all of what happened, they still rebuilt the company. I believe the fire and police department is to blame as well, for not having long enough ladders and not getting the message to the ninth floor. It is not fair that the women had to go through all the hard labor and abuse. I also believe it is not right that the families had to deal with the company's owners not being punished for their loved ones getting

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