Argumentative Essay On Drones

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Since the beginning of warfare, war is fought by multiple fronts including land, money, support, but most of all the weapons used in the war. Weapons have slowly developed over time and became increasingly deadly and efficient to overwhelm and defeat the opponent. Weapons have developed from stones to swords to explosives and guns. In addition, wars are no longer just fought on land but in the sea, and sky also, which has led to the birth of even more deadly weapons. Now, after thousands of years of bloodshed, a new and much more dangerous tool of destruction has appeared in the midst of a world at war, drones. Drones are the most deadly weapon, not including WMDs, (Weapons of Mass Destruction), because they integrate massive amounts of information collected from land, sea, and sky with the most advanced technology. As such the question remains, whether the military shall be allowed to use this new instrument of war. Since history tends to repeat when it comes to warfare, the more advanced the weapons and the more people die. The flip side is that these unmanned drones can save many lives, are used to defend countries, …show more content…

Experimentations with unmanned aircraft started during World War I. Charles F. Kettering created one of the first drones, helping US Navy develop one of the earliest models of a drone, called the Kettering "Bug," in 1917. The Bug was a twelve-foot-long biplane created out of wood and armed with an explosive. In order to use it, they launched the Bug at a target, the Bug's wings dropped off after a set amount of time so that the bomb would drop on the target and explode upon impact. Unfortunately, the early models of drones were unreliable and had many errors and unpredictability which rendered them near useless during World War I. However, the Bug and other early models of the drone were extremely

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