Argumentative Essay: Can Cats Really Predict Death?

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Can Cats Really Predict Death?
A remarkable story emerged in the New England Journal of Medicine in regards to a cat that could "predict" the deaths of patients inside a nursing home several hours before they died. Oscar, a cat adopted with the staff of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center throughout Providence, R. I., has at the least 25 successful predictions, in which patients died hours following the cat sat down by their own beds. After the nursing home's staff caught on Oscar's ability, they began alerting all the families whenever the cat used his post next to the patient. Most families tolerate or also welcome his presence, though Oscar becomes angry if forced out of the room of a dying individual, meowing outside the door.
Oscar's steps appear deliberate. He regularly wanders about the home's unit for patients having advanced dementia. He sniffs and watches the patient before sitting down with the woman's. Oscar then purrs while sitting using the patient and usually leaves immediately after she dies. …show more content…

Is it a "sixth good sense, " a unique scent he smells or something different? Animal experts have put forth a variety of explanations, though most agree that it likely is due to a specific smell produced by simply dying patients. That is, those who are dying emit certain chemicals that will aren't detectable by other humans but which will pique Oscar's heightened sense regarding smell. An expert on felines said that cats can sense sickness into their human and animal friends [Source: BBC News]. Jacqueline Pritchard, a British animal expert said that she was certain that Oscar was sensing vital areas shutting

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