Argumentative Essay About Dogs Research Paper

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If there is one thing the internet raves about, it is dogs. Dogs have become an iconic part of Internet culture, and for good reason. Dogs have long been known for being “Man’s best friend,” but science and research both back up the fact that both dogs and humans can benefit from their friendship. Dogs can provide a faithful companion for those who struggle with loneliness. Both adults and children can benefit from dog ownership, because it can lead to better physical, mental and social health.
In addition to making great pets, dog can be trained to do a variety of tasks, including serving people as therapy dogs. Dogs have shown a remarkable ability to feel the needs of their human companions. Even just petting dogs has caused decreased blood pressure in some people. Dogs can serve as a calming force for their owners as well as a playful and fun …show more content…

The study found that the patients who owned dogs had a much lower chance of dying from cardiovascular disease and other causes than patients who did not own a dog. This stayed true regardless of smoking habits, body mass index and socioeconomic status. (TIME) Those who lived alone and had a dog had a significantly lower risk of dying than those who lived alone without a dog. And this study was just over adults. Studies have found that growing up with dogs has reduced allergies and asthma in children. Dogs have been linked to boosting immunities in adults as well. While owning a dog does not ensure a longer life, veterinarian and associate professor of epidemiology, Tove Fall, thinks “that a pet brings a lot of joy and companionship into a house, so if a person has the capacity to take care of it, they certainly should.” Anyone who can physically take care of a dog should, because the

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