Argumentative Essay About Body Language

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Conflicts are important parts of all healthy relationships, squabbling about even the smallest of things can be good. The important thing about this is to make sure one is going about it the correct way. Often times when people get into arguments they handle the situation wrongly and shut down all pathways of communication. This is mostly unintentional, drawing from places of learned body language, past associations with certain actions or responses, walls go up around the point one is defending preparing for an attack. Communication is complicated and learning how to have better skills in handling arguments and basic conversations is useful in every aspect of life, as communication is something that will occur in every environment. Sullivan …show more content…

These ingrained behaviors can be very difficult to stop especially when you are under stress about the situation at hand for that reason it is important to keep your own actions in mind just as much as the other person’s. Both my mother and I were under extreme amounts of stress and maybe that stress came off as annoyance or anger which lead to the argument. My mom could have seen my stressed out body language or tone and taken it for anger or resentment. Body language, especially, can have many different meanings to many different people and be extremely difficult to control. Body language is a major subconscious behavior that can occasionally speak louder then your words. If I was to say that I was not angry but am standing far away with my arms crossed and an overall tense posture, chances are that I am lying. My behavior was half of the behavior in the argument and while it feels natural to me to try and defend myself the best course of action in this situation might have been to critically examine my behavior and change it to a more positive collection of habits. Changing my own behavior is the culmination of step …show more content…

In situations such as those I think this method would not apply. For example if a boyfriend were to cheat on me, it would hurt me deeply and no matter what way we went about those arguments and conversations I would be angry at his actions not at the body language and tone of voice he was using to discuss these actions. Actions that cause pain to others generally would need additional steps to find a satisfactory resolution and in some cases a resolution just may not be found between two people on a certain

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