Argument Against American Sign Language

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How many people do you know that know American Sign Language (ASL)? Sign language provides you with positive interests. You may not think ASL might be important to know, but actually knowing sign language can be ideal for oneself. ASL has been known as another way of communication that can help you improve your daily life. Sign language just means communication “spoken” through body language, gestures, and facial expressions. Sign language leads to a major change in communication. ASL was fully recognized in the 1960’s and became popular. Sign language has many benefits because many people in the U.S. are deaf or hard of hearing, it enriches relationships, and it promotes self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, using sign language can be indubitable very helpful for you but also there are a few cons against ASL. First, sign language requires the use of hands. Without the use of hands it could be a problem for the people who does not acquire the full use of hands. Any issues within the use of hands such as a broken arm can limit communication (Burke, "Advantages & Disadvantages of Sign Language"). Within ASL, communication requires the use of hands at all times. Without the use of hands and being deaf, how can you communicate with others. This will be challenging for one. Despite, sign language has no written component. Deaf or hard of …show more content…

The percentages are close enough to each other, but there should be more of these deaf or hard of hearing people into society. If there were more deaf people into society, there would be more interactions within those who can speak and has learned or took a sign language class, rather than those who has not. Many students should take advantage of what can be done now to make a change in society. So the world can greet those who are different from each

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