Are Synthetic Drugs Are More Harmful Than Street Drugs?

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Are Synthetic Drugs More Harmful Than Street Drugs? The increasing use of synthetic drugs is becoming a severe problem for teens, law enforcement, and even the government. Synthetic drugs imitate real drug affects, but at the cost that of severe side effects. Synthetic drugs are a critical threat to drug users, but are they more or less harmful to users than street drugs? Synthetic drugs are becoming an increasing threat and are killing many people, but some do not know what synthetic are. Synthetic drugs are “fake” drugs that contain chemicals similar to their “real” drug counterparts. These chemicals emulate the effect of real drugs. According to Drug Facts: K2/Spice ("Synthetic Marijuana"), “Synthetic drugs are products that are a legal alternative to a real drug”. Even though they are an alternative, they are just as dangerous. Knowing that synthetic drugs are chemically related helps us further realize the dangers that are hidden behind the idea that synthetic drugs are legal and safe. We now know that synthetic drugs are a legal …show more content…

Street drugs and synthetic drugs differ in the way that synthetic drugs cause more severe side effects such as vomiting and raised heart rate. According to Drug Facts: Synthetic Cathinone (“Bath Salts”), “Common reactions reported for people who have needed medical attention after using bath salts include cardiac symptoms (such as racing heart, high blood pressure, and chest pains) and psychiatric symptoms including paranoia, hallucinations, and panic attacks.”. Synthetic drugs may emulate the effects of street drugs, but they give the user extreme side-effects. Since synthetic drugs are not regulated, the danger of overdosing increases and the side-effects created too much of risk just for a “fix”. Now that we know what the dangers are, what is the government doing to stop these fake

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