Are Seat Belts Safe Or Unsafe

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Are Seat-belts Safe or Unsafe?

Do you put your seat belt on every time you get in the vehicle? Do you look to see if your passengers are wearing their seat belt? According to the CDC website, Vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death in people from the age 1 to 44. You could be the type of person to wear your seat belt every time you get in the car, or just throw it over you when you see a cop. You might get caught without our seat belt and pay a little ticket costing you around $140. But, who is it to say that you could get that far? Another vehicle could crash into you before a cop has the chance to stop you. In a blink of an eye, you could be flying out of your windshield. There is only one thing that could help prevent that, simply wearing your seat belt. You are the one who has to make the choice. Some people will say that seat belts are unsafe. I’m here to tell you, seat belts are safe.
Wearing your seat belt is important to do every time you get in the car. According to CDC, “Seat belts reduce serious crash- related injuries and deaths …show more content…

(CDC, 2010, unpublished data).” In other words, 78% of rural drivers’ wear seat belts as opposed to 87% of urban drivers. No matter what area you are driving in, your seat belt still needs to be worn. Beth says, “According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States because drivers and their passengers were wearing seat belts when they were in accidents.” The director of the Pennsylvania traffic Injury

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