Are Dogs As Pets A Good Idea?

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What? You do not think having dogs as pets is a good idea? The relationship between dogs and humans has changed over time. Dogs are good pets because they have emotions and feelings just like us humans do. Dogs have changed over time and they are no longer known to be vicious as they use to be or as wolves. Today they are kept as pets or as people calling them today a new member to their family. It almost doesn't sound

Do you think the idea of having dogs as a pet is a bad idea? Dogs are just like humans because they have have feelings just like us humans. For example, dogs have to drink water and eat to survive. Dogs are very happy and playful pets. People have dogs for different reasons, but even at that point they are still kept as pets. Two out of the hundreds of reasons why people keeps dogs as pets are keeping them for hunting or guard dog or keeping them to help you see if you are blind or some kind of reason to help you if you can not take care of yourself. Dogs are very smart animals because they know when your sad, sick, or in trouble. They even know your feelings because they are very sensitive dogs with very strong emotions. …show more content…

Back then people did not have dogs as pets because people were scared of them and dogs would attack them. Since people really had nothing back then, not even a safe place to live, scientists started to understand the history of dogs and one thing that they was certain of was all dogs share a common ancestor witch is the gray wolf. That probably explains the reason why they were so mean and wanted to eat people back then. People also used them for guard dogs encase someone they wanted to hurt you or rob you the dog would protect you and your property because dogs were danger to humans and they wouldn't want to get bit or

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