Are Contact Sports Worth The Risk Essay

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“Contact sports” are they worth the risk? YES!

Now most people would call you dumb if you said there was no risk in contact sports, but that's no reason to not allow kids to play them.If someone came up to me and asked me “Would you let your kid play football” , i would wholeheartedly say yes. Team sports like football teach dedication , teamwork, and all teams focus keeping up grades. These are all incredibly important for kids to know and learn about That's why i would definitely allow my son to play in football or any other contact sport.

One big problem i've seen around is that kids don't normally stick to one thing for long, but kids that decide to join sports teams and have an opportunity to enjoy the game will surely stick to the game. The are also more likely to not only want to play the game but also they would want to make friends on the team and spent a large majority of their time ether practicing or with members of their team. A dedication to a team will make these kids want to succeed and do whatever to stay on the team and continue to play. With a sense of dedication you would definitely not want any injuries so you can still play in the sport, you would want to always use any safety precautions necessary so you can still play on the team. …show more content…

I do have some personal experience being apart of a team , and trust me when i say it's worth every minute of it. If you are on a team it's more than likely your teammates are going to want to and be willing to help you through anything ,and want to better you not only academically but personally.There will always be a risk of harm in all aspects of life but in my experience team members aren't just going to let each other get hurt . They are going to make sure that everyone is same and if needed wearing all of their safety gear and

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