Archetypes Character Analysis

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“An archetype is the universal symbolic representations of particular types of people, objects, ideas, or experiences.” (pg.389) In module thirty-one, the archetypes that are discussed are the mother, feminine, and male. Other than these examples in the book, there are archetypes such as the caregiver, hero, rebel, and multiple others. An archetype can be anything a person wants it to be as long as it is a symbolic representation of an experience or idea. Archetypes are similar to stereotypes because they both use a type of person in order to create a character or symbolic figure. There are multiple differences between archetypes and stereotypes. Stereotypes are generalized traits in a character, whereas an archetype is a symbol that is requiring …show more content…

Cattell’s 16 source traits, Eysenck’s three dimensions, and the “Big Five” factors are similar because they are all tests based on personality traits. These personality tests involve the personality traits of neuroticism and extraversion which describe how a person is emotionally and socially. While these three sources are similar, they are quite different too. Cattell uses what is called factor analysis in his 16 source traits questionnaire. “Factor analysis is a statistical method of identifying patterns among a large number of variables, which can be done by having a large group of people rate themselves on a number of individual traits they have which are then to someone else.” (pg.394) Eysenck used factor analysis, but came up with three distinct dimensions of personality: psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism. The “Big Five” factors consist of the abbreviation of …show more content…

Predicting a job performance cannot be based off a test because it does not determine that person’s motivation to get the job done the way it needs to be. “Personality tests cover a variety of questions from mood to opinions to physical and psychological health.” (pg.408) This means that a personality test is less likely to predict the outcome of job performance and likely to predict personality disorders. Personality test should be used for other social purposes, such as identifying individuals at risk for certain types of personality disorders. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructed Form (MMPI-2-RF), is a recently used personality test that identifies individual with psychological disorders, but lately has shown risks of other behavioral disorders too. (pg.408) This test goes to show the personality disorders that are at risk that can easily be determined and it would be a great way for people to get help before they get

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