Archetypes And Symbols: Light Vs. Darkness

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Literary Criticism Archetypes and Symbols: Archetypes #1 1. Fire vs. Ice Light vs. Darkness Colour of Gold (truth) Masks (concealment) Mr. Wilhelm has affairs with other people, not being loyal to his wife, many times before he dies. He committed adultery without any of his family members, his wife and their son Tomas, knowing. The appalling behaviour demonstrates that Mr. Wilhelm has a dark side that is from the unknown. His family members believed him to be the opposite (Light vs. Darkness or Fire vs. Ice). His actions also show his concealments to whom he actually is as a person (Masks), believing that his family members would never find out about what he was up to in terms of the indiscretions he chose to do. Archetypes #2: Valley …show more content…

Sri thinks of it as nothing other than clinical, medical issues. He expresses his thoughts about “irrelevant matters” when he says, “Relatives asked things he had no idea about – whether the car would be towed, or which hairdresser had given the last trim. Why did they care, now that these things were in the past?” (194). In other words, only medical matters are important, not questions he could not answer nor what he perceives to be nothing to do with his job. However, he indicates feeling bad for thinking in an non emphatic way. Sri comes across as calm but cold in manner when conversing with others in the aforementioned, but the reader gets the impression that he cares more than he lets on. He is almost lying to himself about not caring but the truth is he does as he revealed to himself and the reader that he felt bad about the death of his patient though externally, he made it appear as if he did not care. The job of emergency doctors makes them appear cold and uncaring, almost numb to the horrors they see everyday, but they are lying to themselves that they do not care when the truth is, they really …show more content…

She pays attention to the details of what is going on in front of her such as when this quote is mentioned by the author: “She counted the waves. One, a stroke that seemed to touch only the leg hairs. Two, a tingling pain on her skin––as if the drying salt would pull and crack open her pores. Three, what is this beach?” (210). The number continues on until seven. One archetype is clearly “numbers” embodying a list of mindful and spiritual thoughts. The other archetype is a circle, specifically peaceful eternity and heavenly feelings. Archetype #8 Dreams vs. Reality The Dream versus Reality archetypes are the same context as Archetype #7, where Janice dreams of being at the beach. Janice is extremely calm at the beach, as she thinks this way: “I am so still, thought Janice. Why have I never in my life felt so still before? There was a wonderful relief of not moving her limbs, of allowing her arms to lie like wet rope over her globe-like abdomen.” The above quote describes her “wonderful” dream she is visualizing , a dream that the reader can imagine Janice would wish it to continue on forever. However the sound of the beeping phone woke Janice up from her dream, which brings her to back to

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