Archetype For The Future

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The future is a murky place. Just as a soldier peers through the fog of war to glimpse the enemy, humans peer through the fog of the present in the hope that they might glimpse the future. Everyone, from meteorologists making weather forecasts to politicians reciting empty political rhetoric, is constantly claiming to know the future. However, no matter how accurate predictions may be, the future will never be known until it becomes the present. When making predictions about the future, there are many places to start. One could start locally; they could make simple, easily predictable claims such as: “I think it’s going to rain tomorrow.” They could also make predictions about the distant future that are significantly broad so as to be believable. Yet another predictions one could make involves the prophecy of another, such as the inevitability of our doom, foretold by an ancient Mayan calendar. Unfortunately, no matter what the prediction is it could always be proven wrong. It may not rain tomorrow. The country may not collapse due to the wrong presidential candidate finding their way into office. It’s even possible that the world will not implode because an ancient calendar ceases to keep an accurate date. Whenever these predictions, however small, don’t come true, we can rest assured that the world will go on ticking, albeit a little bit …show more content…

Who could have imagined the widespread impact of the U.S.’s dismantling of Saddam Hussein’s regime and its The future is a murky place. Just as a soldier peers through the fog of war to glimpse the enemy, humans peer through the fog of the present in the hope that they might glimpse the future. Everyone, from meteorologists making weather forecasts to politicians reciting empty political rhetoric, is constantly claiming to know the future. However, no matter how accurate predictions may be, the future will never be known until it becomes the

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