Archetypal Hero's Journey In Folklore

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Folklore is a collection of stories passed down from generation to generation that include Legends, Myths and Fairy Tales. There are three types of stories we know, the first one is Legends which are based on historical facts, characters or events that have been embellished. The second is Myths, myths are based on religion, that has supernatural beings or mythical creatures. Finally we have Fairy Tales, fairy tales are made believe creatures, these stories can sometimes contain magic, it also can have good versus evil. Folklore itself is an urban legend, mythology is one of the most heavily concentrated concepts because of Italian “The devil married 3 sisters”. Italian history is based off of religion, they go by what the church wants them …show more content…

An author that went by Joseph Campbell studied the myth and made the famous claim that nearly all myths, and some other story types, have similar ideas and the heroes' adventures are almost identical. There are 12 different stages of a hero story The significance is to take your time and not rush. It matters what you do with the time you have and not use the journey as a way to get away but to enjoy it. In the journey’s hero there is the same characteristics and in the folklores today. The point of folklore is the same, and the meaning behind the stories used for the right reasons. The connection between “The devil married three sisters” and the “Hero’s journey” is the reasoning behind the stories. It was to teach a life lesson even if they didn't come out and say it. Most people think it's for entertainment, but there is also something true behind the story. In “The devil married three sisters” it’s more like a story than a journey. The only thing they have in common is “The Approach”. The purpose of this story is to teach kids or adults to understand the meaning of lying or not following directions that is given. The story is realistic, but yet it still captures the reader's attention, making them want to be part of the story even if it just a story. It gives the reader an imagination and helps them understand the story

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