Archaea Research Paper

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Carl Woese’s (1990) groundbreaking paper categorised the Tree of Life into three domains for the first time– Archaea, Eubacteria and Eukarya. Before this, Archaea were known as Archaebacteria due to their prokaryotic, single-celled appearance similar to bacteria. However, Woese analysed 16S ribosomal RNA from all three groups and discovered there were differences of such significance in the sequences, for example between positions 180 and 197, that Archaea should be classified as their own domain. The three domains are believed to have separated from one common ancestor, with Eubacteria and Archaea diverging 3.8 billion years ago and Archaea separating from Eukarya 2.8 billion years ago. This means that, despite their appearance, Archaea share more similarities with eukaryotes, such as 33 identical ribosomal proteins, than with bacteria.

Since Woese’s research, Archaea have been divided into two main phyla, the Eutyarchota and Crenarchaeota, with the majority being extremophiles. This supports the hypothesis that Eubacteria and Archaea had a thermophilic common ancestor that was able to tolerate the hot conditions on Earth. Nelson et al (1999) also found that Thermotoga maritima bacteria had 24% genes of archaeal origin when analysed, supporting the theory of Thermatoga’s early branching from Archaea in the Tree of Life.

There are some significant differences between Archaea and the two other domains in terms of structure, which creates an advantageous heat resistance in Archaea. Bacteria and eukaryotes both have ester linkages between hydrophobic side chains and glycerol in the membrane, whereas archaea have ether bonds instead and lack true fatty acid side chains, instead having 40-carbon phytane chains. Additionally, the di...

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... in anaerobic hydrothermal vents, with sulfur acting as their main energy source. Thermophiles can also have a preference for a particular pH such as the thermoacidophilic Picrophilus that can survive at a pH of -0.06 and has an optimum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. In order to withstand high temperatures special chaperonin proteins are needed to refold proteins that become partly denatured during heat shock. These proteins allow the archaea Pyrolobus fumarii to survive and reproduce in an autoclave at 121 degrees Celsius (Blöchl, 1997), which was previously considered to be above the upper temperature for life.

In conclusion, despite Archaea’s close relationship to both bacteria and eukaryotes there is sufficient evidence for this group of organisms to be classified as its own domain, due to its unique characteristics in structure and extremophilic nature.

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