Arab Israeli War Essay

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I. Arab- Israeli War (War of Independence)
A. Starting in 1948, right in the middle of the Arab-Israeli war, the initiation of the Arab League boycott of Israel was a coherent effort by Arab League member states, whose intention was to isolate Israel financially and economically (Perez). The League ventured effortlessly to prevent Arab states and disincentivize non-Arabs from providing support to Israel or adding to Israel's economic stability. The boycott was also designed to deter Jewish immigration to the region (Consequences of the War). There was a total of 22 Middle Eastern and African countries that supported the boycott and its effort to prevent any and all economic growth in Israel. Throughout the period of this ongoing boycott, many trade barriers have been put in place, limiting trade between Israel and other countries (Slavicek 65).
B. The boycott on Israel has had many long lasting, negative, financial and economic effects to the country. When Israel was declared a state in 1948(Perez) many of its neighboring Arab countries started to boycott everything made in Israel. This caused the economy to struggle severely (Slavicek 65). The boycott has had a prodigious effect on the amount of trade going in and out of Israel, As a result, Israel has a trade deficit, meaning that the amount of imports they receive exceeds the amount of exports they ship out, however this is made up by the revenue from the vast amount of disposable, tourism dollars Israel receives annually. Israel has a relatively high income per capita at $35,500, but the amount of people in Israel that are unemployed is extraordinarily high at 11.40 percent. More than twenty two percent of the population is under the poverty line. Since 1 in 4 Israelis are...

... middle of paper ... countries. These immigrants brought with them Jewish, cultural heritages and traditions which were very different from those existing in Israel at the time. This Western-oriented culture demanded acknowledgement to its morals and values, causing a huge conflict which caused a misfortune to the newcomers of the state. Immigration had a negative effect on the traditional communital aspects and interpersonal relations. Original and understood values which had provided the infrastructure for community consensus were vastly weakened. Family roles were destroyed and past experience provided no representation for current needs and wants. Cooperative activity became very difficult. Old Fashioned leadership which had relied on the traditional frameworks of society was also declared void in the new situations that had seceded the vast amounts of immigration (Home).

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