Applied Behavior Analysis Essay

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Evolution of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Role of Shaping Shaping is a technique used in behavior modification, which specifically refers to the molding of a subject to respond in a specific way through the use of reinforcement of successive approximations. By reinforcing the desired behavior, a new behavior can be achieved, improving the quality of life. It is used in behavior modification in conjunction with reinforcements, punishments, extinction, fading and chaining. The process of shaping is effective in the changing of behaviors, and in enriching many aspects of development. With the use of shaping, we have the ability to create desirable outcomes in a multitude of situations, reaching all aspects of our lives. Shaping can …show more content…

Experiments were run which involved bringing college girls who feared snakes closer to live snakes. It was found that through the use of positive reinforcement, the girls were able to get close to the snakes, and to even handle them. When comparing shaping techniques to desensitization, shaping proved to be more effective than Systematic Desensitization. It was believed that by using the actual object as opposed to an imagined one (as used in relaxation), the fear would be easier to address. Additionally, it was noted that by having a therapist present, particularly to model behavior, the fear would more rapidly absolved. Using positive reinforcement combined with modeling proved to be a very effective way to reduce …show more content…

Through the use of a social story, exposure to all aspects of the exam, positive reinforcement, and modeling, her ability to allow the medical exam to take place became a reality. Throughout the process, she maintained the ability to end sessions upon request. Though the process took four months, the end result was that the adolescent could be examined without resorting to aversive measures. Having been able to reach that goal was a huge accomplishment for the medical team, and especially for the

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