Apotheosis In Greek Mythology

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“Apotheosis” is the moment when the hero realizes his true purpose and sees the world from now on from an entirely different perspective (becomes enlightened).

The importance of the god or hero in the myth lies in the fact that such characters, who are conceived in human likeness and yet have more power over nature, gradually build up the vision of an omnipotent personal community beyond an indifferent nature. It is this community which the hero regularly enters in his apotheosis. The world of this apotheosis thus begins to pull away from the rotary cycle of the quest in which all triumph is temporary. (Frye, “Archetypes” 512)

In Star Wars, this moment comes when Luke holds his dying father in his arms and is able to forgive him the wrongs that he has done in the past due to his belief that there was always good in him despite his machine-like appearance. After making his peace with his father, Luke finally becomes a true Jedi – like his father before him. Another point of apotheosis in Luke’s life can be seen in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back when Luke would rather die than join the dark side. On this occasion, he, like his father in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, loses …show more content…

With the possession of his sword Andúril, he gains command over this army of the dead and within he makes his army, who must fight against an overwhelming number of enemies from Mordor, considerably stronger. By fulfilling their oaths made to Isildur, these long dead warriors regain their honor and save their souls.
Spider-Man experiences apotheosis after the spectacular battle against his anti-father figure the Green Goblin in which he almost dies and Superman after turning back time, although his father explicitly warned him not to, in order to bring Lois Lane back to

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