Apollo 13 Thesis

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Apollo 13 is a revolutionary, classic American film. It takes us back to the 1970s, a critical time in American history. The movie captures the essence of America while accurately representing actual events that occurred. Apollo 13 gives us an action packed insight to the actual events that occurred on the aircraft in April 1970. The film informs us about American culture during the time it was set in, as well as the time period it was filmed. Apollo 13 truly captures the spirit and heart of the American people during the early 1970s.
Apollo 13 was created in 1995 and set in 1970. The movie begins with astronaut Jim Lovell hosting a house party, where guests watch Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon. During the inspiring scene, he tells …show more content…

She starts out by emphasizing the tense, yet trilling feelings created in the audience. Janet claims that the film “ understands the difference between movie bravado and real courage, and it celebrates the latter in inspiring ways that have almost gone out of style”. She notes that the actors chosen to play the roles of the astronauts, including Tom Hanks, added to the film. Janet claims the movie and its characters are brave and uplifting. She also notes the fact that the stone-cold fear felt by everyone and group effort needed adds to the rawness and appeal of the film. She references the group effort of the Mission Control Center to bring the astronauts home, and the feelings of the astronauts on board during times such as the shutdown of the Odyssey. Janet also brings attention to the famous line “Houston, we have a problem”. She says the one is best remembered and “ It's a small but important change, one more way that "Apollo 13" unfolds with perfect immediacy”. Overall Janet Maslin loved Apollo 13 and recommends it for anyone who is old enough to understand its …show more content…

America and Soviet Russia we racing to the moon and the United States prevailed! Space travel was a significant aspect of American culture and its growing technologies. Also, all of the people working at NASA and the Mission Control Center were men. Women were still acting like housewives. Men play a dominant role during the early 1970s and through history, while women were in their shadow, this is seen throughout the film.I think that Marilyn accurately represents Americana because of her behaviour and appearance. She looks like the typical American housewife, with children and a husband to take care of. Marilyn professional and up tight look accurately depicts the appearance of women in America in the early 1970s. She also displays numerous emotions such as joy, happiness, worry, and concern, which most Americans were feeling at the time. Through her materialism and sentiment Marilyn accurately represents

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