Ap English Grammar Essay

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Statement Problem
In our country, most of the time English classes are directed in a very basic way and it makes difficult to acquire the English language appropriately. Moreover, the students hate to learn grammatical rules to make sentences and complete practices, but the grammar is the framework of language and the teachers must enable learning in his/her students.The target of grammar instruction is to allow students to carry out their communication purposes to facilitate understanding. In order to get that, students need to connect grammar with result, besides the students need to communicate not to be master in grammatical aspects. In addition, repetition and error correction play an important role in the achievement of this goal. While teaching grammar with reading exercises (questions and responses) and communicative activities, students learn grammar without being cognizant of the process. In addition, if the class is taught in the proper way the levels of achievement are realized without undue stress to the student under no circumstances may the professor let ridicule if the students make a mistake, the …show more content…

In fact, all education depends on a foundation of good grammar, for this reason, if students cannot understand grammar, they will struggle to develop and use the language as well as native speakers do without any formal grammar training can speak well-formed English sentences and can make grammatical judgments about English sentences. As Chomsky (1972) points out, “a person who knows a language has mastered a system of rules that assigns sound and meaning in a definite way for an infinite class of sentences". Of course, the person who knows the language has neither consciousness domain about these rules nor formal use to put them together in a

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