Antwone Fisher Psychology

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The movie Antwone Fisher focuses on the troubled life of an African American Sailor in the United States Navy. Antowne, the main character, is struggling with anger issues and has a hard time dealing with confrontation with others. As a result, he ends up getting into numerous fights while in the navy, which causes his superiors to question his psychological state of being. He is mandated to start seeing a psychiatrist to eventually reveal his troubles and to find a solution to his violent outburst. During the many sessions with Dr. Davenport, Antwone subsequently starts to open up and reveal what happens to him during his gruesome childhood. While Antowne is attending these therapy sessions his relationships with others start to progress and …show more content…

In Erikson’s theory, there are 8 psychosocial stages of development and Atwone’s current functioning is in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage. However, some people can take longer to reach this stage such as Atwone. This stage is usually categorized as a stage developed in late adolescent years. Prior to seeing a therapist Antwone was having a self identity crisis. He didn’t know who he was because all his life he didn’t know his parents. He was raised as an orphan by terrible foster parents who constantly abused him verbally and physically. During Antwone’s therapy sessions with Dr. davenport he focused more so on the Why, instead of who? Atwone wanted to know why his mother never came back to claim him, he wanted to understand why he was receiving such harsh treatment in a home where he was supposed to be cared for and looked after? Every question as to why, caused Antwone to loose a sense of self identity. Up until half way into the movie his questions were answered and the development of self identity started to arise. This is what is lead up to the current function stage of intimacy vs.

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