Anthem And Soylent Green

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In the societies of Ayn Rand’s Anthem and Soylent Green’s NYC it is evidently clear that Soylent Green most closely reflects our current day society. Based in a an industrialized overcrowded society Soylent Green shows us a society in which the citizens are dependent of Soylent Green food provided by the corporation. The two entities of American society that essentially control the country include the government, and corporations in conjunction with the government. Soylent green not only is based the same setting (New York CIty), but incorporates some of the fears and conditions we currently face in the US. The biggest aspect of the Soylent Green movie is that the population of New York is 40 million. The movie depicts scenes in which people …show more content…

In the movie Soylent Green ultimately has complete control over their society because they control the source of food. Companies of this magnitude truly exists and can come in the forms of oil/gas companies, tech companies, and other governing bodies. These companies are financially superior to our government and control every industry. Soylent provides viewers with a negative outlook toward the industrial entrepreneurial culture and demonstrates what it looks like when the government and corporations are allowed access to concentrated power. By this I mean the power to fuel money and influence into a governing body. This occurs through the company Soylent Green’s practice of using human bodies as the product of the company. Although modern day corporations aren't as unethical as Soylent Green, there's still a great amount of injustice that occurs through these huge companies. An article that explains the magnitude of said companies and their unethical business practices is the BBc’s story on “Apple 'failing to protect Chinese factory workers'”. The tech company Apple is by far one of the biggest corporations of the the new millenia, by ingraining itself the pockets of the vast majority of people. This article sheds light on an investigation into the factories used to produced the tech, and the poor treatment of the workers. One account says “It found standards on workers' hours, ID cards, dormitories, work meetings and juvenile workers were being breached at the Pegatron factories. Exhausted workers were filmed falling asleep on their 12-hour shifts at the Pegatron factories on the outskirts of Shanghai.” This is only one account of injustice, but the list goes on and worsens with each

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