Annotated Bibliography Of Pay Transparency

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Annotated Bibliography

Burkus, David. "Why You Should Know How Much Your Coworkers Get Paid." TED: Ideas Worth Spreading, Ted Conferences LLC., Jan. 2016, Accessed 4 Nov. 2016

David Burkus’s speech is about pay transparency. Pay transparency is when everyone in a company knows what everyone makes. He explains that main reason that companies don’t allow this is because they can save a lot of money by keeping everyone’ salaries private. Although this is true, Burkus also said that most people feel underpaid or discriminated against and are more likely to quit. After this, he recounts of companies that have used pay transparency, and it has worked. He ends …show more content…

“Pay Transparency.” SAGE Journals. SAGE Publishing. 2014, Accessed 4 Nov. 2016

Friedman in this article starts off by address that the recession of 2008 has quite a few people struggling from pay check to pay check. She uses this topic to go into how pay transparency has been implemented by the government and what has come of it. She also says that the Obama administration has been working to increase pay transparency. Her final point is that the point of pay transparency is to get managers to preform performance evaluations to base people’s salaries. This source is useful for those looking for descriptions of pay transparency and what the true purpose of it is. This source is very similar to a lot of my other articles. It main deals with the idea of pay transparency, which is the main focus of my other papers. The information is from SAGE journals which I think is a reliable source and provides good articles. The goal of this source is to get the idea of pay transparency more clear to the …show more content…

It discusses how pay transparency can be used to limit the discrimination found in workplaces. Gowri believes that all discrimination troubles could be resolved by allowing everybody to see what each other’s make. He discusses the major pay gaps found between different races and different genders. For anyone wanting to look into pay transparency, this is the perfect paper for them to look at. It goes in depth to different ways that pay transparency can help and exactly what it is. This article is a lot more specific and more focused one just one topic than the other articles in my bibliography. This information comes from a pretty reliable source which is Penn State Law Review which is a notable journal. The main goal of this paper is to get the idea of pay transparency more widely spread. Considering my whole paper is on pay transparency, this article is very helpful and will provide me with plenty of talking points in my paper. This article will mainly pertain to the first part of my paper where I will describe pay transparency and set up the rest of my paper. This paper just reinforced what I thought about pay

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