Animal Rights Philosophy Essay

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Animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests, should be afforded, the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. To many people, animals are beloved pets and they treat them as such, and treat them like family. To other people, they just view them as animals and nothing important or special. Animals deserve the care and compassion that any human needs because (in particular), pets rely on humans to survive and need their love and compassion. Abusing animals is like abusing a small child, and legal action should be taken upon such actions. Animals feel as much pain as humans do, and they also feel emotions that are like …show more content…

Many of these concepts seem appropriate but are less suitable if we apply them in practical situations. This life includes a variety of biological, individual, and social needs. The philosophy of animal rights demands only that logic be respected. It is true, therefore, that women do not exist to serve men, blacks to serve whites, the poor to serve the rich, or the weak to serve the strong. The philosophy of animal rights not only accepts these truths, it insists upon and justifies them. But the animal rights philosophy goes further though, by insisting upon and justifying the independent value and rights of other animals, it gives scientifically informed and morally impartial reasons for denying that these animals exist to serve them. Once this truth is , acknowledged, it is easy to understand why the philosophy of animal rights is uncompromising in its response to each and every injustice other animals are made to suffer. The philosophy of animal rights demands abolition. In response to the unjust exploitation of other animals. It is not the details of unjust exploitation that must be changed. It is the unjust exploitation itself that must be ended, whether in the farm, in the lab, or among the wild, for example. The philosophy of animal rights ask for nothing more, but neither will it be satisfied with anything

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