Animal Mental Illness

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According to Dasgupta (2015), “Animal mental illness can be triggered by... the loss of family or companions, loss of freedom, stress, trauma and abuse.” The world has become captivated by watching wild animals such as tigers, lions, bears, elephants, and even marine wildlife perform incredible tricks. Yet animal activists have discovered the true price paid for watching these performances. Many are unaware of the consequences of training wildlife, since behind the curtains animals do not live an extravagant lifestyle as perceived. The desire to experience a close encounter with these animals may interfere with endangering the animals so many adore. Many people may overlook the truth behind animal entertainment, because of how intriguing …show more content…

Animals are used to perform tricks and this also requires trainers to physically have contact with the animals. Seaworld has a large reputation for their animal performances primarily their famous orca whales. A former Seaworld trainer Sarah Fishbeck, recalls being shaken by an animal which resulted into bruises (Scheeling, 2015). There is a large concern of animals being forced to perform and suffering in the shows, but the trainers circumstances are often overlooked also. Trainers are interacting physically with the wild animals which creates potential danger for the trainer and even the animal. Wild animals have negative mental complications with being held in captivity, therefore their emotions may turn to aggression towards their …show more content…

All animals channel their emotions differently with living in captivity. There are incidents where animals will turn their aggression onto the other animals living beside them. Fishbeck discussed how she witnessed more than once a dolphin out of its tank by being pushed out by other dolphins (Scheeling, 2015). Forcing the animals into small enclosures causes animals of the same species to turn on one another. This type of environment fails to benefit the animals life and purpose as a wild animal. Zoos allow people to learn information on different types of animals, yet the animals are placed in a negative environment for the purpose of entertainment. There are clear dismal differences in an animal living in their natural habitat versus an animal kept in an enclosure. Putting animals in these uncomfortable environments takes away the meaning of what a wild animal truly is. These issues will proceed to effect the animals as long as they're used for entertainment

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