Animal Imagery In Othello Research Paper

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Kenny Vinh
Animal Imagery
Back in Shakespeare’s day, animal imagery was rated r content. People were horrified to hear their sons and daughters to be called buffalos and moths. These were things that were jaw-dropping to people back then. In Othello, Shakespeare shows that the character of Iago is vile, deceitful, two faced, and yet persistent in order to achieve what he desires through the animal imagery of Othello and Cassio.
In Othello, Iago is using animal imagery to show how gruesome of a being Othello is. In the first act, when Iago is talking to Brabantio about Othello being with Desdemona, he uses gruesome descriptions of Othello(the audience doesn’t know what kind of character he is yet) to show that he is undeserving of Desdemona. …show more content…

Iago’s plan is in motion and has already gotten Cassio kicked out of the lieutenant position. Now to get Othello to never trust Cassio again, Iago is tricking Othello into thinking that Cassio and Desdemona have an affair. When Othello can’t believe what Othello is telling him, Iago says, “It is impossible you should see this, were they as prime as goats, as hot as monkeys,” (3.3.459-460). He is comparing Othello’s wife and Cassio to monkeys having sex. Picturing his wife having sex with another man enrages Othello. Iago used this animal imagery to more graphically depict what “happened” between Cassio and Desdemona. Also, Iago used animal imagery in regards to Cassio when he was describing his ingenious plan. When he sees Cassio take Desdemona’s hand and walk away, he comes up with this plan to use Cassio’s love for Desdemona to trap Cassio. “With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio” (II.i. 183-184). He uses “spider” imagery by considering his plan as the web and the fly being Cassio. This animal imagery depicts that Cassio is being used as a toy in the great scheme of things. Shakespeare is trying to show us that Iago is two-faced. He is “honest” with Othello, telling him what he truly saw happened with Cassio and Desdemona. But is evil and vicious, when he devises his plan to rid of Cassio of his …show more content…

When Iago and Roderigo break the news to Brabantio that his daughter eloped with Othello, they say, “You’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, you’ll have your nephews neigh to you, you’ll have coursers for cousins and jennets for germans,” (I.i.124-127). They are giving Brabantio a look into the future about what will happen if you let this relationship between Othello and Desdemona continue. Comparing Othello to a horse, and his cousins and grandchildren to other vile animals shows enrages Brabantio. Also, going back to the fact that Iago had said, “An old black ram is tupping your white ewe” (I.i.97-98). This also is meant towards Brabantio in a manner that his daughter is having sex with a black man. In Europe, at this time, love didn’t matter; it mattered that you married a white man. Also, having your daughter go out and elope to a black man is far worse. Depicting it in a gruesome way, telling Brabantio that his daughter(a graceful sheep) has eloped with a big old ram is graphic. Shakespeare is showing that Iago would go through great lengths to break relationships in order for his plan to succeed, and get revenge on Othello and

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