Animal Farm Vs. Truman Show

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In Animal Farm, written by George Orwell and the movie, Truman show directed by Peter Weir we see that freedom over happiness, unfair treatment and lies in both texts. We see that both creators of Animal Farm and Truman show have the same idea of power and how it is used in the texts.Animal Farm is about how animals rise up and fight humans while Truman show is about a man stuck in a fake world without knowing until later in life.

Firstly, the good life in Animal Farm focuses more on happiness. However, in Truman show focuses more on freedom. In Animal Farm the animals don’t want to be free as such but more happy. Orwell shows us this when the animal fight back and take charge after their farmer ( Jones) has pushed them over the line and they are …show more content…

Truman show is no better when Christof (the director in the film) treats Truman unfairly when he uses him to make a tv show that millions view and don't try to stop the unfair treatments. Christof puts Truman in a world of lies and he doesn't even know about it. In both texts we see lies and unfair treatment.

Finally, Orwell and Weir both have the same idea to use power for bad/evil in their texts. Animal farm displays this when the pigs changed the rules for the good of themselves and not the animals, they kill other animals and don't care when boxer dies, they use the attack dogs on the animals, they use their power for evil rather than good. Just like Animal farm, Truman show, Christof uses his power and money for evil rather than good like the pigs. He uses his power to play God on Truman and traps him in a fake made up world, a utopia to him but not to

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