Animal Farm Research Paper

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The animals in the book Animals Farms had certain commandment or rules they had to abide by. There were seven commandments which were “whatever goes upon two legs are enemy, whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend, no animal shall wear clothes, no animal shall sleep in a bed, no animal shall drink alcohol, no animal shall kill any other animal, and all animals are equal.” In the world, today we have rules that are written and unwritten that we follow. In my essay, I’ll be talking about seven important and basic rules written and unwritten that we follow on a daily base. Those seven rule are we should not commit murder, don’t speed, say “please” and “thank you”, respect your elderly, wear your seat belt, do not steal, …show more content…

Rule number one is a basic rule everyone should follow and know. Not a lot of people follow this rule, and there are consequences for breaking this rule. If you didn’t know in the city of Montgomery, Alabama there has been thirty-four homicide or murders; which are were most cause by a gun. The people who break this rule get years in prison based on the type of murder was caused. Therefore, if you don’t want to go to prison don’t kill anyone. This rule is broken all the time on highways, freeways, parking lots, etc. When we go over a certain speed limit we get pulled over by a police, and we either get a warning or a ticket. Simmons 2 A speeding ticket ranges between one hundred to two hundred dollars in the state of Alabama. When speeding, you are risking a lot of safety hazards, especially during heavy traffic. You want to keep your insurance down, and your license then don’t speed. As my mom always tell me you drive for yourself and other people. Saying “please” and “thank you”, has been taught to everyone since they we little, and it gets passed on to generation to generation. You say “please” when asking for something …show more content…

Sometimes we steal on accident, like when we had something in our had that we picked up and forgot to pay for. There are people who rob banks, houses, cars, apartments and people. I actually have a cousin who is in jail now for robbery and he has been in there for a while now. The sentence for robbery is ten years to life depending on the class. No one should want to steal from anyone but unfortunately Americans do. The last rule is an English rule. You should capitalize the first letter in the beginning of every sentence. This rule has been taught to you when you first started writing sentences. This let anyone who is reading your paper know that you have started a new sentence. This also keep sentences from being a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence has two or more independent clauses. A paragraph usually has five or more sentences; which is was the first letter of each sentence is capitalized. The punishment for that is points taking off. In conclusion American follows these rules on a daily. Not all my rules are followed which is why people are in jail, some kids are disobedient, and essays look a mess. If I meet

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